Renewing the City through Nonprofit Service

In Partnership with Mission Triangle

What would it look like for the gospel to renew the cities of the Research Triangle? In many ways, it already is, through the amazing ecosystem of nonprofit ministries who are at work here bearing witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, serving the needs of our many neighbors, and bringing healing and restoration to places of brokenness.

Christians in the Triangle have the amazing opportunity to join in renewing the city with these nonprofits by leveraging their gifts, passions, professional experiences, and networks to serve. For some, this may mean serving on boards, committees, and task forces.

Join New City Fellows alumni and our friends at Mission Triangle and explore how God is at work through nonprofits in the Triangle, what it looks like to serve on boards and in other ways, and how to get involved.

Program will include:

  • Training led by Jim Dotson and Daniel Alexander from Mission Triangle
  • Panel discussion with New City Fellows alumni and friends who are involved with nonprofit boards
  • Networking with nonprofit leaders

When: Fall 2023

Where: Downtown Raleigh

A Collaboration of New City Fellows & Mission Triangle

New City Fellows is a discipleship and fellowship program that forms emerging leaders and professionals in the way of Jesus, equips them to connect faith, work, and culture, and mobilizes them to lead in the renewal of Raleigh and the Triangle.

Mission Triangle convenes and equips over 275 nonprofits in the Triangle to expand their kingdom impact by becoming proficient in the core competencies needed to be a healthy, sustainable, mature nonprofit — including healthy board leadership.