
Join the conversation on faith, work, culture, and the common good by attending one of our events.


Gatherings are events designed to rally, network, and support our New City Fellows alumni, friends, and others in the community. They include socials, roundtable discussions, workshops, book studies, and service opportunities.

Saturday, November 9, 2024 | 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Ministries of Mercy & Justice

Join us for this morning of stories of how God is at work through nonprofits engaged in mercy and justice work, and learn what it would look like to get involved.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 | 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Disarming Doubt

How can we explore life’s hard questions, and questions about God, without anxiety or fear? Join us as newly hired executive director Dr. Jack Carson hosts  Dr. Josh Chatraw for this gathering. Dr. Chatraw will speak, with a breakout discussion to follow.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 & Saturday, June 29, 2024
Art + Faith

Join us this summer for a two-part program exploring the beauty of the gospel and a theology of making.

June 11 – Reading Group on Makoto Fujimura’s Art + Faith

June 29 – Kintsugi Experience



Our Christ & Culture Series explored the intersections of faith, work, and culture.

Thursday, February 8, 2024 | 6:30 PM
What is Christianity’s Place in the World Today?

How can Christians and churches in our cultural moment bear witness to the truth and beauty of the gospel in ways that contribute to the common good and flourishing of our cities? Join us for this gathering with Dr. Jonathan Pennington on Christianity’s place in the world today, and renew your vision for Christian mission, witness, and work in our cities.

Monday, February 26, 2024 | 7:00 PM
Renewing the Evangelical Imagination

We all imagine ourselves in stories, and see ourselves as living out a story. But are the stories we are living out true, good, and beautiful – do they line up with the true Story of the world that God tells in Scripture? How can we renew the evangelical imagination so that it aligns more with the gospel story, and not other merely cultural stories? Join us for an evening with groundbreaking author and scholar Dr. Karen Swallow Prior, and explore what it means to renew the evangelical imagination.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Faith & Work 101 Workshop

Many of us struggle to connect two of the most important parts of our lives: our faith in Jesus Christ, and our work. What does it look like to integrate the two?

Join us for this workshop on how to start connecting your faith in Jesus with your work and career. Learn how to live an integrated life.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Wrestling with History: Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

Did Jesus of Nazareth rise from the dead?

Join us for an evening with UNC professor of history Dr. Molly Worthen as she shares the story of how she investigated the resurrection of Jesus and ended up converting to Christianity.

Four Thursday evenings starting October 12, 2023
FaithTech CREATE Challenge

All tech workers in the Triangle are invited to join New City Fellows alumni in learning how to create redemptive technology through CREATE, a four-week challenge from FaithTech.

Friday, October 20, 2023
Leadership @ Work

All are invited to explore God’s calling of women to gospel-shaped leadership at work, and the joys, opportunities, and challenges that come with stepping into that calling. Hear from from Katherine Leary Alsdorf and Lynn Easterling, engage in conversation, and connect with others thinking about women and leadership at work.

Thursday, October 26, 2023
Mental Health & Trauma

Join us for this gathering led by New City Fellows alum and counseling intern Catherine Doster exploring mental health and trauma to raise awareness, broaden perspectives, reduce stigma, provide better understanding about trauma and mental health.

Flourishing in a Broken World

Public Forum Series | Fall 2022 — Spring 2023

Christianity’s rise surprised everyone in the ancient world. This strange sect’s claims—a crucified Messiah, a bodily resurrection, and an ethic that held out the equal dignity of every person—all swam against the norms of antiquity. In short, no one saw Christianity coming.

Fast-forward 2,000 years later in the West. The fundamental claims of Christ are not only mostly “ho-hum,” they are often cast as irrelevant to the daily experiences of life. Today people find themselves more likely to be surprised, paradoxically, by the universal experiences of life than the claims of Jesus.

For those raised in religious communities, we are surprised by debilitating doubts. In the midst of abundance and youthfulness, we are surprised when death comes knocking. In a world in which we are told we can do whatever we put our mind to, we are surprised by own failures.

The Flourishing in a Broken World forum series aims to remind us of our personal vulnerabilities and the contingencies of human life, so that we might consider afresh the surprising claims of a world-changing movement that began as a tiny sect in Jerusalem. Could it be that Jesus of Nazareth might just once again surprise us with his answers to the human situation?

Surprised by Doubt | October 5, 2022, 7:00-8:30 pm

  • Venue: Vintage Church Downtown
  • Speakers: Dr. Richard Beck and Dr. Joshua Chatraw

Surprised by Suffering: Life After Perfect | January 25, 2023, 7:00-8:30 pm

  • Venue: Holy Trinity Anglican Church
  • Speaker: Dr. Kate Bowler

Surprised by Failure | March 1, 2023

  • Speakers: New City Fellows alumni Matt Benson, Milo Jasso, and Jasmine Smith

Now What? Flourishing in Uncertain Times

Public Forum Series | Fall 2021 — Spring 2022

We live in uncertain and difficult times. Two years of a global pandemic and social unrest have taken their toll on us, and we long to just get back to the way things were before. However, these past two years have raised questions we’d ignore at our own peril. What was wrong with the old normal? What lingering problems might we now face with new eyes? What new challenges and opportunities has the pandemic blip presented to us? The Center for Public Christianity invites you to join us as we seek to reimagine the different dimensions of our life together by asking the question: “Now What?”

Now What? Facing Anxiety in Uncertain Times | September 30, 2021

  • Speaker: Dr. Warren Kinghorn (Duke Divinity & School of Medicine)

Now What? Beauty in a Time of Despair | November 11, 2021

  • Speaker: Dr. Karen Swallow Prior (Southeastern Seminary)

Now What? Friendship in a Time of Loneliness | February 24, 2022

  • Speakers: New City Fellows alumni Margaret Duke, Gary Freeman, Tyler Graybeal, Melissa Thornton
  • Moderator: Dr. Josh Chatraw

Now What? Leadership in a Time of Distrust | March 31, 2022

  • Speakers: Rev. Dr. Crawford Loritts and Rev. Dr. John Yates II
  • Location: Holy Trinity Anglican Church