Ministries of Mercy & Justice

In Collaboration with Mission Triangle

How is God at work in the world around us? A central way is when His people join Him on mission, bearing witness in word and deed to the gospel of God’s kingdom come in Jesus Christ, and showing mercy and doing justice for the widow, the orphan, and the sojourner.

Join us for this morning of stories of how God is at work through the many nonprofits in the Triangle doing such gospel work, meet nonprofit leaders, and consider how God might be calling you to get involved.

Speakers will include nonprofit leaders and our friends at Mission Triangle. A time for meeting and networking will follow the program.

When: Saturday, November 9, 2024, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Where: Downtown Raleigh

A Collaboration of New City Fellows & Mission Triangle

New City Fellows is a discipleship and fellowship program that forms emerging leaders and professionals in the way of Jesus, equips them to connect faith, work, and culture, and mobilizes them to lead in the renewal of Raleigh and the Triangle.

Mission Triangle convenes and equips over 275 nonprofits in the Triangle to expand their kingdom impact by becoming proficient in the core competencies needed to be a healthy, sustainable, mature nonprofit — including healthy board leadership.