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Contribute to our city’s renewal in a meaningful way.
Give to the Work of the Center
Your financial gift is an investment in the health of the Center and New City Fellows program, as well as in the next generation of leaders of the Triangle and its churches and institutions. The Center for Public Christianity is a partnership of several churches, but our primary sponsor is Holy Trinity Church of Raleigh (d.b.a. Holy Trinity Anglican Church). Holy Trinity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which makes your gifts tax-deductible. All gifts earmarked for a specific Center fund will be used solely for the fund’s purpose.
We welcome donations to the Meg Pritchard Scholarship Fund, which provides need-based scholarships to participants of the New City Fellows program and is named in honor of Margaret Jean “Meg” Pritchard, a beloved member of the inaugural Fellows class who passed away from brain cancer in 2022.
GIVE ONLINE. We accept electronic payments from checking accounts or via debit or credit card. Click GIVE ONLINE NOW below, then click Login/Sign Up in the upper right-hand corner and follow the prompts for your online giving account. Select “New City Fellows Scholarship Donations” from the “Give to” dropdown menu.
GIVE BY MAIL via check or money order made payable to “Holy Trinity Church of Raleigh” and mail to 549 N. Blount St, Raleigh NC, 27604. Please specify “NCF Scholarship Fund” in the memo line. This is a preferred, fee-free method of payment.
GIVE THROUGH YOUR BANK’S ONLINE BILL PAY SERVICE. Simply make “Holy Trinity Church of Raleigh” as a vendor or payee on your bank’s platform, specifying “NCF Scholarship Fund” in the memo line for any payment. If your bank asks for an account number, use the number 25476. This method of giving is also a preferred, fee-free method of payment.
GIVE STOCK. To give stock please contact Holy Trinity’s Director of Finance Anne Thompson at or (919) 833-4202 ext. 226.