Seeking the cultural, social, and spiritual renewal of Raleigh and the Triangle

We’re a movement of churches and Christians partnering together to reach Raleigh and the Triangle as they grow and change. We equip, connect, and mobilize Christians to seek the common good of our cities.


Our premier fellowship program for emerging leaders

Learn how to connect faith, work, and culture with leading practitioners and public theologians.


Join the conversation on faith and
our common life together

Tuesday, June 11 & Saturday, June 29, 2024

Art + Faith

Explore the beauty of the gospel and a theology of making this summer through our two-part program.

PART 1: Reading Group on Art + Faith by Makoto Fujimura – June 11

PART 2: Kintsugi Experience featuring artists from Gather and Academy Kintsugi – June 29

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Wrestling with History: Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

Christianity bears witness to historical events surrounding the life of Jesus of Nazareth – most centrally his resurrection from the dead. Whether Jesus rose from the dead is the chief historical question on which Christianity stands or falls.

What would happen if a historian investigated this question? Join us for an evening with UNC professor of history Dr. Molly Worthen as she shares the story of how she investigated the resurrection of Jesus and ended up converting to Christianity.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Renewing the Evangelical Imagination

We all imagine ourselves in stories, and see ourselves as living out a story. But are the stories we are living out true, good, and beautiful – do they line up with the true Story of the world that God tells in Scripture? How can we renew the evangelical imagination so that it aligns more with the gospel story, and not other merely cultural stories? Join us for an evening with groundbreaking author and scholar Dr. Karen Swallow Prior, and explore what it means to renew the evangelical imagination.


How to get involved with the Center for Public Christianity

From joining our Fellows program to our events, there are many ways for you to join us in seeking the spiritual, social, and cultural good of Raleigh and the Triangle.


Apply to New City Fellows

Invest eight months toward integrating your faith and work and becoming a leader in the cultural, social, and spiritual renewal of Raleigh and the Research Triangle.


Refer a Fellow

Know someone you think would be a good fit for the New City Fellows program? Share their information with us so we can reach out to them.


Apply to Mentor a Fellow

Invest your time walking alongside a rising leader – to encourage, pray, and just hang out with them. Learn more about becoming a mentor.

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Attend an Event

Join the conversation on faith and our common life together by attending a Forum.



Support our work and invest in the next generation of leaders of our cities, churches, and institutions.